The politics of consensus, especially in legislative contexts, refers to the process of coming to agreements amongst different political parties, interest groups, and stakeholders to achieve a single stance on legislation. Since there are numerous political parties in India that represent a wide range of regional, cultural, and ideological interests, passing legislation in both the Parliament and state legislatures, reaching a consensus is a tedious task. The bill needs to be passed with the requisite majority as envisaged in the Constitution of India and the consensus is often deprived due to the rift between different political parties. The Indian system of legislation is based on antithesis with the ruling and opposition party standing against one another, where as the panchayat system is essentially based on the system of synthesis i.e. without the partisan conflict. While the approach of consensus aims to create inclusive and broadly accepted laws a balance is not often reached in the Indian legislature. This approach can have both positive and negative impacts on the quality of legislation. Here’s a detailed look at these impacts:
Positive Impacts on Quality of Legislation
Negative Impact on Quality of Legislation
Legislative consensus politics comprises the process whereby disparate political parties, interest groups, and stakeholders agree to a unified position on legislation. Despite this approach being directed to inclusive, widely accepted laws, it might have positive or negative effects on the quality of legislation. Positives are a wide representation of interest, a more durable and legitimate law, and a better public opinion. Nevertheless, consensus can just as easily be a cause of watered-down, ineffective provisions, slow and complicated legislative processes, and behind the curtain agreements that are more concerned with political gains rather than public good. The perfect balance is the key to the success of consensus legislation having the attributes of both inclusiveness and effectiveness.