Want to Present a Paper ?

The paper submission is closed

The Legal Convention 2024 aims to gather legal professionals, scholars, and students to explore and discuss the future of law under the theme ‘Future Law: Innovate, Integrate, Impact.’ This event will provide a platform for thought leaders to share their research, insights, and innovative ideas that can shape the future of the legal profession.

Who is eligible to register?

  • Legal scholars and academics
  • Practicing lawyers and Judges
  • Law students and researchers
  • Legal technologists and innovators
  • Policy makers and government officials

Submission Guidelines

Theme: All Papers must align with the event theme, “Future Law: Innovate, Integrate, Impact.”

Topics: Suggested topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Legal technology and AI in law
  • The integration of law and digital economies
  • Ethical considerations in the future of law
  • Innovation in dispute resolution
  • Global legal challenges and opportunities
  • Regulatory frameworks for emerging technologies
  • Data & Cyber Laws
  • Space & Aviation Laws

Submission Format:

Times New Roman | 12 px | 1.5 Line Spacing | Justified

Abstracts of 300-500 words, followed by full papers (5,000-7,000 words) in APA format.

Submission Platform: Please upload all papers and fill in the given details at the link below.

Please send the abstracts to law24co@gmail.com

Deadline: Abstracts by 05th September 2024; full papers by 15th September 2024.

Review Process (6-10 September 2024)

Evaluation Criteria: Relevance to the theme, originality, clarity, depth of research, and potential impact.

Notification: Authors will be notified of acceptance by 27th August (for abstracts) and 11th September (for full papers).

Paper Presentation Opportunities

Presentation Format

Oral Presentations: Selected authors will present their papers during thematic pre-convention/buffer sessions at the convention. Each presentation will be 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

Panel Discussions: Top papers will be included in panel discussions moderated by legal experts.

Poster Sessions: Shortlisted papers can be presented in a poster format in the exhibition area, allowing for informal discussions and networking.

Incentives for Presenters

Best Paper Awards: Awards for the best paper in each category (scholarly, practitioner, and student) with recognition certificates.

Publication Opportunity: Selected papers will be published in the editions of Journals of Upaay & ULA.

Travel Grants: We shall not cover travel grants, but will consider providing accommodation.

Presentation Guidelines

Submission of Presentations: Presenters to submit their final presentation slides by 18th September 2024.

Technical Support: On-site technical support will be provided for all presentations, including AV equipment and assistance with setup.

Rehearsal Sessions: Optional rehearsal sessions will be organized on 27th September 2024 at The Lalit to ensure smooth presentations.

Key dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: 05.09.2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification: 07.09.2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 15.09.2024
Final Paper Acceptance Notification: 20.09.2024
Presentation Submission Deadline: 24.09.2024
Rehearsal Sessions: 27.09.2024
Event Dates: 28-29 September 2024

All papers, presentations and submissions shall be subject to approvals, and further availability of time slots. Organisers reserve the right to decide on all counts, and make justified alterations based on the time constraints and other factors.